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I have converted the store that once served as a darkroom for a former photography business into my small Parisparadis  (Boutique, Concept Store, and Creative Space). My little paradise and very personal Paris, where I worked for 10 years in the fashion and design industry as a trend scout. The Paris that has shaped me, I take with me to St. Gallen and let it flourish here. During my time in Paris, searching for THE objects, fabrics, and materials for styling and designing trend books, I regularly visited flea markets. Chiner (looking for bric-a-brac), as the French call it, became my great passion. The name Paris may evoke images of Eiffel Towers, croissants, and baguettes. However, Paris is so much more. For me, Paris is a place of great inspiration. Here, as I experienced it, the most diverse cultures come together: Japan meets Finland, Senegal meets Denmark, North Africa meets Vietnam, ... That is why in Parisian paradise, you will find not only treasures from Paris, but a very personal selection and collection of objects that tell a story, chosen with love for the unique, handmade and/or ethically produced: ceramics, cushions, and accessories (some also made by myself), candles, postcards, books, small items of furniture, curiosities, artworks, and much more. During a visit, on request, I will share my insider tips for Paris, impart my knowledge of the French language, and gladly provide un peu de flair et d'air parisien.


Soyez les bienvenus....


Shirin Tanyer-Heezen



Büchelstrasse 2

CH-9000 St.Gallen


Opening Hours


10.00 -12.00




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